Sunday 19 July 2009

I hate being home, I hate work, I want to be on holiday again, leave me alone

I've just got back from my holidays - time to go back to work, hooray...

Due to quite dodgy weather I only got to use the boat on two days of my ten day trip, but I had rather a lot of fun on those days!

The first day me and Dad simply took it out for a spin. Seemed quite fast. I always knew it would be, but you can't beat the feeling of actually experiencing it. We later picked Sarah my ladyfriend up from the shore and took her for a ride.

The second time we went out I had a play with my towable ring, which was also rather fun.

However, I've also come back with quite a long list of 'ammendments' which need making. Or rather I've broke it quite a bit and it needs fixing.

Firstly I need a new cover. My two month old one decided to rip in half on the M5 due to the wind forcing it onto the boat seats. Obviouisly made well.

Secondly, and this is the big one...When I was playing in my towable ring, upon falling off, the ring filled with water, and the drag created by this snapped(!) the thick metal ski pole in half. Which then cannonned into the back of the boat. Which then cracked along the transom which we had re-built all of a month ago. Fantastic... First impressions are that it's only a surface crack, so hopefully too much work won't be needed.

Finally, I have a feeling that the impeller will need replacing on the engine pretty soon, as the water pump doesn't seem to be shooting out the water as quickly as it did previously. But I suppose this is more maintenence than a problem.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

We're all going on a summer holiday

It's holiday time, and the boat's ready to go. Wahoo!

No time for any pictures (will get some on holiday), but here is a brief rundown of what we've got done in this last week.

We've ammended the rollers on the back of the trailer. They seemed to sit in the most awkward place on the bottom of the boat, so we've grinding some bits and moved some bits to make them sit all nice.

When sorting the boat insurance a name was needed. I had to make a decision there and then. Well, maybe not right there and then, I had a think overnight. But in the end, and after some careful browing of various boat name websites, I went for the slightly comical "Wake My Day". Later in the week I purchased some vinyl stickers of the name for the sides of the boat.

I also grabbed a couple of fenders for the side of the boat from the local Sawley Marina.

One slightly worrying sight was when we decided to check the gearbox oil - loads of water poured out from where the oil should be! I think this must have mounted up throughout the years, as it smelt quite bad like it had been in there for ages. Probably from a small leak. Fortunately, oil floats above water, so it was easy enough to drain only the water. We've now topped up the oil and will have a look for any water when I get back from holidays.

See you when I get back from holiday!