Sunday 17 May 2009

Off the trailer

It was slightly wet. Very windy. But this weekend, we finally removed the boat from the trailer. It took a good few hours, but at the same time it was quite simple.

We made some wooden frames to sit under the boat at both the front and back. We then jacked the boat up a few inches higher than the trailer, starting with the back, and placed it onto breeze blocks. The trailer then simply wheeled out from underneath.

It took a few trials and errors (such as the mudflaps having to be cut off as they wouldn't fit underneath), but it now looks fairly stable. Probably more so than when it was on the rusty trailer!

Now the trailer is free we have taken it back to my Dads, and work can now begin making it more useable. I have a full set of brand new rollers for the main middle section, and Dad is making new brackets to hold the existing rollers on the sides. He has also made a new winch post for the front - initial plans were to repair the existing one, but it was so badly rusted it made more sense to make a new one.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks these should all be attached to the trailer, and the whole thing will have been rust treated and painted.

That's the plan anyway.

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